The state of play for Munibung Hill
Let’s not blithely brush-over what’s at stake as we transition from one Council to the next. What assurances do we have that the plans for Munibung Hill will materialise into works on the ground? That they will lead to her being protected in perpetuity?
MUCH HAS BEEN MADE of the virtues of Munibung Hill. Many a Plan has been prepared, over the last 40 years, to upgrade tracks and protect Munibung Hill from further inroads into the natural landscape.
More than a few thousand dollars have been spent with the intention of making Munibung Hill accessible to the community, especially families. Eloquent words have been used to describe the attributes of Munibung Hill as a wonderful visitor and tourist opportunity.
Many years have elapsed – more than forty (that is 4 0) – between the first proposals in the 1980s and the latest one started in 2021.
People could be excused for thinking that while all these appeared to be plans of substance, that would come to fruition, none of them got off the ground – to coin a phrase. All of them withered on the vine. Good intentions that are not made good do not inspire confidence in the community consultation process. As it has turned out, the tens of thousands of dollars of ratepayers money that has been spent in the past, has delivered nothing of benefit for Munibung Hill or the community.
None of the present Councillors or Lake Mac Council staff can be blamed for what has, or more accurately what has not, happened in the past. But, it would be remiss of us not to advocate strongly that the present Councillors and those offering themselves for election in September be reminded of the history, the wasted financial resources, the overlooked opportunities, and now, the aspirational statements contained in the current Management Plan.
To blithely brush all this aside, would be to engage in a tremendous missed opportunity to make good the goodwill engendered from:
.. the initial efforts to have Council produce a draft Management Plan for Munibung Hill,
.. the Management Plan community consultation process,
.. the public exhibition of the Plan, along with the community feedback,
.. the track and wayfaring surveys and plans,
.. all the hours of energy and effort expended to get us to this stage – so close and yet still elusive – almost there but not quite.
Expected to be written into the 2024-25 Operational Plan that would see on-the-ground works begin, but knocked back for another year, the Plan has been overtaken by other priorities. There has been no public statement provided as to when the Management Plan for Munibung Hill will be granted on-site works status.
Knowing how things have unfolded over the last 40 years, it’s worth asking the questions:
> What is the hold up?
> Why keep the community in the dark?
> Can we be assured this is only a temporary delay?
> Will Councillors and Council keep faith with the community by committing to getting the Management Plan for Munibung Hill implemented? – with a budget allocation in the 2025-26 financial year?
Munibung Hill has moved.
Well not really. More a case of the local government boundary within which Munibung Hill is located has changed. Formerly in West Ward, she is now located in North Ward. Councillors for North at the time of circulating this issue are: Brian Adamthwaite (ALP), Keara Conroy (ALP), Jack Antclift (LIB), Colin Grigg (LMIND).
… From MMM Issue #45, Aug-Sept., 2024