PICTURE: Opening frame from the Management Plan video produced by Lake Mac Council in 2021. Credit: Lake Mac Council.
Development of walking trails a step closer
Outcome worth the wait as the Management Plan progresses through the various stages of the implementation process.
HERE IS A SUMMARY of the actions involved in the Munibung Hill planning process.
It is not unusual for major projects to go through this on the way to being delivered – that is, before works take place on-site and the community is invited to the opening.
- Motion put up to Council that consideration be given to a plan being prepared for the long-term management of Munibung Hill.
- Preparation of a draft Management Plan and an associated Concept Plan – contract awarded to Umwelt, Teralba.
- Draft plans submitted to Lake Mac Council for assessment.
- Draft plans placed on public display for community feedback and submissions.
- New signs erected at all the entrances to Munibung Hill, stating the area being entered was Munibung Hill. This was the first tangible indication that Munibung Hill was a designated area, and named as such.
- Extensive publicity program to ensure that all stakeholders were provided with an opportunity to comment. This included the release of the video as noted above.
- Almost 400 survey responses and submissions made – one of the largest public responses to any Council planning proposal. This indicated the enormous community support for the proposal. And it justified our stance that Management Hill has been overlooked for decades – an iconic area of ‘country’ worthy of protection and conservation.
- Revision of the Plan – by Umwelt – taking into consideration the public consultation feedback.
- Amended Plan submitted to Council for further review by Council staff.
- Submitted to the Planning and Environment Sub-Committee of Council. – approved.
- Submitted to full Council meeting – adopted 11 April, 2022
- Stakeholder consultation to ensure that all associated parties are supportive of the planning process in preparation for the final planning stages required.
- Land surveys to establish lot boundaries and potential track alignments.
- Negotiations with private landholders for track easements where required.
“Councils commitment to the project at this time, is identified in the LMCC Operational Plan 2022/23. It states: ‘Design walking trails at Munibung Hill, Boolaroo’, said Steven Cowan, Community Land Planner (Sports). “The draft Operational Plan 2023/24 will be presented to Council in the near future and will present an action plan for the progression of the Munibung Hill trails project. This document will be publicly exhibited.”
“To date we have completed the survey works of the recreational trails as shown in the Munibung Hill Management Plan concept and are progressing design work on Council land on the eastern side of Munibung Hill. Further discussion is required with private landowners before the design of trails on private land can occur”, Steven said.
Editor: The line item referred to by Steven reads: Acquire easements to support the development of the Munibung Hill recreation trails, Boolaroo. (Draft Operational Plan 2023-2024 – Parks and Playgrounds, Page 61)
MMM … Issue 37, April – May 2023