PICTURE: Munibung Hill aerial view from North end with Warners Bay just visible on the left. Credit: Lake Macquarie City Council
Another step closer to the Management Plan being implemented.
Report takes us one step closer to being included in Council’s Operational Plan.
“The Munibung Trail Design report is complete,” said Steven Cowan, Community Land Planner (Sports) at Lake Macquarie City Council – Monday 4 December 2023.
“The report provides indicative costs for trail development on the council owned land off Quarry Road Speers Point and Lucilla Ridge Macquarie Hills, along with a concept design for viewing areas.”
“This report will guide further processes including the current Operational Plan project to ‘acquire easements to support the development of the Munibung Hill recreation trails, Boolaroo’ and future design works.”
“The acquisition of easements is considered essential to developing and then constructing integrated trail networks across Munibung Hill, particularly in the southern areas, connecting the two areas which are the focus of the Trail Design Report,” said Steven, who went on to explain that: “For the remainder of the financial year, Council staff will endeavour to progress the required easement acquisition.”
“Further trail design is planned for Financial Year 2024/2025, which is subject to a funding request,” Steven said. “If approved these design works will be listed in the 24/25 Operational Plan.”
Featured in MMM – Issue 41, Dec. 23 – Jan. 24