Not to be deterred or even deferred, the Munibung Hill Management Plan is plodding along.
The Plan is meandering on its merry way through the administrative process required to ensure that it passes all the hurdles – that all the Council departments have given it the necessary ticks of approval. That’s a long winded way of saying, it’s on track.
From a Munibung Hill Conservation Society (MHCS) perspective, the more locked in it becomes at this planning stage, the greater the certainty it will face less delays in the future, going forward, as the pundits would say.
“The Plan will be going to the Built and Natural Assets Standing Committee* on the 11th April before being ratified at the full Council meeting on the 25th April,” said Brendan Callander, Section Manager Community Assets, Lake Macquarie City Council.
Director, David Hughes, says that: ‘Built and Natural Assets champions our environment to support vibrant, resilient communities. It is responsible for strategic planning, program delivery and community engagement to enhance our City’s unique lifestyle and landscape.’
‘Its role is to be custodian of our community’s assets, through strategic and proactive management. And it embraces technology and innovation to produce results that are sustainable and cost-effective.’
In the next issue of MMM we will bring you up to date with the Plan’s passage through the Standing Committee and Council plus Councillors’ comments.
This reminds us of the old time radio serials, where the plot builds over many episodes before reaching a crescendo, and we all get to express a sigh of relief that the story has a happy ending. That is how we are expecting this to end. Stay tuned, as the announcer would say, for the next exciting episode.
NOTE: *The Built and Natural Assets Standing Committee is comprised of all Councillors, with the meeting chaired by Mayor Councilor Kay Fraser.
MMM … Issue 28, April 2022