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Plan gets the green light

Councillors give Plan the green light

Lake Macquarie City Council staff overseeing the Munibung Hill Management Plan have ushered it through the Built and Natural Assets Standing Committee (BNASC) that met on 11 April. The Committee, voted on item 22BNA003 Adoption of Munibung Hill Management Plan, in a one line recommendation, that: Council adopts the Munibung Hill Management Plan. The meeting was chaired by Deputy Mayor, Councillor Jason Pauling in the absence of Mayor Kay Fraser. The item received unanimous support.  There were two speakers for the motion: Councillor Brian Adamthwaite and Councillor David Belcher. A transcript of their comments is contained in a Blogworthy post: Councillors speak in favour of Munibung Hill Management Plan. 

Members and friends will be interested in two notations supporting the recommendation.

First, financial – where is the money coming from?  Answer: Resources for the upgrade of tracks and trails on Munibung Hill, ongoing maintenance and supporting actions will be considered as part of future four-year Delivery Programs and annual Operational Plans. The Section 7.11 Contributions Plan for the Glendale Contributions Catchment has an action which identifies funding for the provision of the track and trail network on Munibung Hill.
Second, infrastructure – The draft management plan aims to deliver a network of tracks and trails to provide community access to the unique landscape of Munibung Hill.

To read the Council BNASC business paper click here

At the April 26 Council meeting Councillors ratified the BNASC adoption of the Management Plan, effectively giving the green light for the Plan to become a new Council project. This means the protection and conservation of Munibung Hill just got a little bit closer. Next step is a budget and works program. 
‘The Munibung Hill Management Plan sets out how Lake Macquarie City Council (Council) will manage access and use of Munibung Hill over the next decade, to protect important natural and cultural values, and provide safe access for passive recreation for people in surrounding communities and further afield in the City.’  The Final report from consultants Umwelt, includes the following vision statement: 

Munibung Hill is a visual, environmental, and recreational landmark framing the north of Lake Macquarie. Safe and accessible bushland open space invites people to connect with nature and culture.

Short and sweet, it states the obvious, but it’s important to have this written up.

MMM … Issue 29, May 2022