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Munibung marathon – hang in there

This requires consistent, persistent commitment.

This is not an endurance race to be run across Munibung Hill. Rather it is a stick with it process to see the protection and conservation of Munibung Hill be not only written into Council minutes, but enacted on the ground. From having a Management Plan proposal put out to tender, prepared by consultants Umwelt, been placed on public exhibition, reviewed by the community, reviewed by senior Council staff, revised by the contracted consultants again, assessed and voted on by Council’s Built and Natural Assets Standing Committee and more recently adopted by the full Council.

The latest update is that: “Council’s Operational Plan for 22/23 was adopted at Monday night’s Council Meeting (May 23). This plan includes the action: Design walking trails at Munibung Hill, Boolaroo,” said Brendan Callander​​, LMCC Section Manager Community Assets. 
“Before any work can commence a detailed design of the trail network will need to be completed to allow the project to be tendered for construction. It aims to reduce the potential for delays or risks that impact the project during construction,” Brendan Callander said.

“This project for design of the walking trails will begin next year and will include consultation with the relevant stakeholders” When a design manager has been appointed for this project MHCS will be informed.
The indicative timeline for the project is: 
21/22 – Completion of the Management Plan – Done
22/23 – Completion of detailed design and tender documentation
23/24 – Construction start. 

Considering it’s been 40 years since there was talk about protecting Munibung Hill with a major effort in the late 1990’s that was due for completion by the year 2000, this Plan is on track to get up. We have to stick with it, stay focused, work cooperatively with all those of goodwill, and get to the finish line together.  

MMM … Issue 30, June 2022