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PICTURE: Aerial image of eastern trails to be designed and viewing area to be installed. These are located in Macquarie Hills and Lakelands, (Supplied: Lake Mac Council)

Council engages track designers

World class tracks and viewing areas coming to Munibung Hill

WHEN YOU’RE IN THE BUSINESS of keeping an eye on a unique place that had special significance for indigenous people for more than 60,000 years, and today, is considered equally special by us new arrivals – within a geological timeline perspective – it’s important not to lose sight of what our main game aim is: to see a Management Plan for Munibung Hill prepared and for it to be implemented in accordance with the MHCS Five Fold Vision.  The conservation of land for the other-than-human species for which we are custodians, on behalf of future generations, is an integral part of this holistic view.

The process to date has been slow and for many of our members and friends more aspirational than actual. The MHCS Committee has been quietly confident that Council staff have not been sitting on their hands or twiddling their thumbs, but rather getting on with the planning process as required for what is a major works program.

Responding to our request for an update on how the Munibung Hill Management Plan is coming along, Steven Cowen, Community Land Planner (Sports), Lake Macquarie City Council reports that:

“Council has engaged TRC* Trails Pty Ltd to undertake trail audit and design for a number of trails and two viewing areas on Munibung Hill, which are located on council owned land.”

“The aerial photos (above and below) show the location of the proposed trails to be audited and designed. They are accessed off Quarry Road Speers Point, Lucilla Ridge Macquarie Hills and Kanangra Street Lakelands.”

“The design will focus on reviewing the existing trails to design and to align the trails with relevant levels of the Australian Walking Track Grading system, based on the Australian Standard for walking track construction (AS 2156).  Signposting and wayfinding are also required outcomes of this engagement,” said Steven.

In addition to this, the Delivery Program and Operational Plan outlined in the Our Cities Strategies Plan ( provided next year’s action to acquire easements to support the development of the Munibung Hill recreation trails, Boolaroo.

“This will involve negotiation with private and government land owners. When easements are secured further trail design and construction will be enabled,” Steven said.

*TRC – Tourism, Recreation and Conservation


PICTURE: Aerial image of western trail to be designed and viewing area to be installed. The location is Speers Point. Credit: Lake Mac Council.

MMM … Issue 38, June – July 2023