Trunk calls, Making designs come true
Trunk Calls are about making connections For those old enough to remember, there was a time when phone calls, whether or not they were local or national, were all connected…
Trunk Calls are about making connections For those old enough to remember, there was a time when phone calls, whether or not they were local or national, were all connected…
Three decades of reciprocal nurturing - and counting Dedication is the best way to describe the effort made by Carol McMurray, who over 35 years has transformed a bare patch…
Our featured verge garden in Cardiff Heights, is a wonderful example of low maintenance by design. The garden provides habitat and visual variety in place of the monoculture lawn. The photos taken…
When a substitute home is better than no home Some 300 Australian species rely on tree hollows – but humans are increasingly needed to provide the vital habitat in their…
Save Munibung Creek 'Magic Garden' Carol McMurray has been tending this small 'nature-reserve' for the last 35 years, but now developers want to rip it up and replace it with…
We stand corrected No sooner had we sent out Issue 46 of MMM, than we received a reply from member Peter Vaughan. He pointed out that we had incorrectly named…
Merge the verge into a habitat haven Reduce mowing and create valuable habitat for insects, lizards and birds. Set the mower aside and change up from a monoculture to a…
We need to reconsider the notion of 'home' A healthy community is one that not only caters for humans, but also for the life that humans share their lives with. …
Before the kerb and gutter ALONG WITH HER OWN front and backyard, Elizabeth Walton has claimed the entire verge in front of the house where she lives in with her…
It's the little things - the little things with wings that sing With so much emphasis on the big glossy things like the cockatoos and kookaburras it's easy to overlook…