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Bandicoot killed

Bandicoot suffers deadly attack

WE CAN ONLY SPECULATE as to the ’cause of death’ of this precious native animal. Whoever the perpetrator was, this innocent little Bandicoot has been no match for it. It would have been a slow and painful death as it tried to escape.

PICTURES: Bandicoot mortally wounded found at the Lucilla Ridge park entrance to Munibung Hill, located off Lawson Road, Macquarie Hills.  Courtesy Shane Brown, Wednesday 27 September 2023

“The wound on the side looks like it didn’t die immediately as there’s marks on the fur as if the bandicoot was trying to lick the wound, ” said Shane Brown who supplied the above picture. “There are tonnes of fox scats up there on Munibung Hill and cats are always an issue as you know.”

Was it a feral cat, a roaming domestic cat, a feral fox?  Any witnesses or information would be appreciated.  Please email us at:

MMM … Issue 40, October – November 2023