Disturbing deaths at Munibung Hill
Craig Patrick reports that two swamp wallabies have died in the Hawkins Creek area recently.
“THE CAUSE OF DEATH is unknown but it could possibly be dog attack. We have made up posters to ask dog owners to keep their pets under control.”
“The first dead wallaby was found near the wooden bridge, probably when we were away as we did not sight it. The second I discovered yesterday (26 December) halfway up the creek. It is in the process of being devoured by a full-sized goanna. I took a photo of the remnants today and realised too late that I was standing on a jumping ants nest. Very painful.
(But in the course of duly recording this gruesome incident – Editor).
Life for swamp wallabies is fraught with danger.
Another loss of life on Hillsborough Road
Unfortunately there was another dead wallaby on Hillsborough road yesterday (10 January 2023), reports Wendy Patrick.
This stretch of road is a nightmare for native wildlife. Yet another justification for us advocating that Transport for NSW constructs a Vegetated Wildlife Overpass when the road upgrade takes place over the next two years.
MMM … Issue 36, February – March 2023