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The need to protect the planet from ourselves and to remember, we are alive, our toaster is not

First Monday of the second half of 2022. Let’s get started with some positives by quoting words of wisdom from William McDonough, author of The Upcycle, with Michael Braungart.

For McDonough and Braungart, we have a mission in this life. They want to turn on its head our very understanding of the human role on earth: We need to not just protect the planet from ourselves but redesign our activity to improve the planet. And that goal, they reckon, is well within our reach.

WHAT IS THE UPCYCLE?: Cradle to Cradle is a foundation, a fulcrum against which we can lean levers of desirable change. This book, The Upcycle, is an update and a collection of observations and stories of continuous improvement. To us, upcy¬cling is the most exciting project of all. It’s going to take all of us. It’s going to take forever. And that’s the point.

PUT “OUT OF SIGHT” OUT OF MIND: The next time you want to use the word “waste,” bite your tongue. Worms consume food and, through the system of their bodies, produce richer nutrients. You, through the system of your intelligence, can create richer nutrients too.

ALWAYS ASK WHAT’S NEXT: We want you to think of every component of your design as being borrowed. It will be returned one day to the biosphere or technosphere. It is your role to return it in as good a condition as you found it, as a good neighbor would.

YOU ARE ALIVE. (YOUR TOASTER IS NOT.): We have been in this work for decades, and still . . . still we stop every time a company mentions a technical product as having a product life or life cycle. Technical products don’t die and vanish. This is the problem and the opportunity.

OPTIMIZE: Speak to the world in positives. Don’t be a pessimist: The glass is half empty. But don’t just be a passive optimist either: The glass is half full. Start with inventory; take scientific stock of your situation. The glass is full of water and air. Then signal your intention for design. I want the glass to be bigger.

YOU CAN, YOU WILL: No need for scolding. No need for “shoulds” and “musts.” The job of upcycle advocates is to encourage people and to inspire behaviors, helping all entities understand that change is possible, beneficial, profitable.

ADD GOOD: We can find ways to honor people’s intentions. Think small, think big, think adding good on top of subtracting bad. There is always room for more additionality. We can add on, not just pile on.

GAZE AT THE WORLD AROUND YOU, THEN BEGIN: Get specific about your locality. You will arrive at more ingeniously indigenous solutions if you let the locality guide you. Some solutions can have global benefits and applications, but remember to start where you are.

THE TIME IS NOW: We—all of us—have a lot to do. We know that this work requires all of us and it will take forever, but some of this work is urgent. Let’s start now.

GO FORWARD BENEFICIALLY: You have one life and, like a tree, you can create abundance, a profusion. You are a known positive. No need to think of yourself as misplaced in the natural world, or that you cause destruction with your presence. Accept that deep in your heart and mind. Then go forward. Be successful. We hope to enjoy all that you share. And tell your children that things are looking up.

MORE GOOD: Doing less bad is not the same as doing more good. We are seeing the uptake of this idea. Don’t think about minimizing the footprint of a person or society. Think about a beneficial footprint. Efficiency as insufficient, but we honor the transitional state. Committing to continuous improvement is the beginning of a great journey.

WHAT IF…?: We know that energy independence and local jobs are important. We can upcycle our thinking about how to get more of both. Amtrak, represents a ribbon of real estate for distribution of renewable energy across the country, creating jobs for each community along the way. Why not?

MINDFULNESS: We are in a hurry, and we’re not even thinking. It is time to move from being timefully mindless to being timelessly mindful.

GO FORWARD BENEFICIALLY: You have one life and, like a tree, you can create abundance, a profusion. You are a known positive. No need to think of yourself as misplaced in the natural world, or that you cause destruction with your presence. Accept that deep in your heart and mind. Then go forward. Be successful. We hope to enjoy all that you share. And tell your children that things are looking up.

NUTRIENT CYCLES: As we discussed in Cradle to Cradle, they key is that everything exists within one of two nutrient cycles—biological or technical. Once we treat things as nutrients. It was the early 1990s when I first started saying “away has gone away.” I am delighted by the prospect of endless resourcefulness of energy, things, and people. Short sighted design thinking can result in intergenerational remote tyranny. Good design is a human right. There is no more delightfully serious function in life and in business that to create joy. Houston, we have a solution.