How to get from here in these troubled times to there where we need to be in ten years if we start now
Well-being of people and communities.
Community self-determination.- much of the global despair and destruction can be attributed to decisions by a handful of people that affect thousands of others. A decision by a manager at a multinational corporation on a random Tuesday can affect the prospects of thousands of communities for decades.
Equity – this means adopting solutions, policies, and approaches that shift power from the few to the many.
Stewardship – from the air we breathe, water we drink, food we gather and grow, to the climate that supports life as we know it, our human existence and well-being depend on a thriving natural world. It’s our responsibility to care for it for ourselves and for generations beyond. Embracing opportunities that help us recognize and cultivate our connection to all living things can generate that deep sense of collective responsibility.
Connection – what do the rise of depression, loneliness, polarization, and mass shootings have in common? Social disconnection. Our connections to place, culture, common purpose, and each other create a sense of belonging that every person needs to thrive.
Inclusion – when everyone is invited to identify problems and participate in solutions—especially those people most impacted—we can create positive, enduring change. Inclusion can slow a process, but the results are better and last longer.
Resilience – things change. And when they do, communities built on rigid ideas, infrastructure, and hierarchies struggle and fail. Adaptive communities—those designed to expect change—can create lasting peace and prosperity.
Integrity – trust can take a lifetime to build and a minute to destroy. And yet, deep trust within and between communities is the foundation of lasting peace and shared prosperity for all. Ultimately, trust requires a society-wide culture and practice of integrity, especially among those in positions of influence. We build and practice integrity through moral intention backed with action—walking our talk
Read the full story here: Authors Christine Hanna and Berit Anderson