Here is a follow-up to our posts referencing Matthew Evans and his book Soil.
In the US there’s the Thanksgiving Season. At this time of the year with all the excessive consumption and extravagance associated with Christmas, might it be a good time to be grateful for things that make all this possible – namely nature – and in particular soil.
So in the spirit of mindful inclusion, let’s devote some time and pay attention to what we mostly take for granted. Specifically why healthy soils are so crucial to our future – whether or not we are in a rural or urban location, soil is essential for us all.
To repeat a short extract from John Green, a few weeks ago, we are nature:
As history plays out and future generations reflect on this time … classes of the future will have successfully boiled down the story into a single narrative. And I suspect that our choices will seem unforgiveable and even unfathomable to the people reading those history books. “It is fortunate,” Charles Dudley Warner wrote more than a century ago, “that each generation does not comprehend its own ignorance. We are thus able to call our ancestors barbarians.”
[Whatever it is], it’s all a misconception. I am utterly, wholly dependent on what I imagine as the outside world. I am contingent upon it. For humans, there is ultimately no way out of the obligations and limitations of nature. We are nature.
In the interests of improving our soil literacy we offer this short presentation. Please share it …
Check out this SlideShare on the 25 Reasons To Be Grateful For Soil below. Or, skip the SlideShare and keep scrolling to skim through our bullets.
Click on the link: Why soil is so important – 25 reasons to be grateful