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Integrated track network

PICTURE: Aerial image of Munibung Hill produced for promoting the Management Plan in 2020/21. Credit: Lake Mac Council.

Integrated track network is the aim

WHEN STANDING over the kettle watching and waiting for it to boil, it seems to take forever. It’s a bit like this with progress on the Manage-ment Plan for Munibung Hill. But hang in there, we think the end result will be worth the wait.

‘The Munibung Trail Design report will be completed in the coming weeks,” said Steven Cowen, Lake Mac Council, Community Land Planner (Sports).

“The report provides indicative costs for trail development on the council owned land off Quarry Road, Speers Point and Lucilla Ridge, Macquarie Hills, along with concept designs for viewing areas.”

This report will assist Council staff in completing the current Operational Plan project to ‘acquire easements to support the development of the Munibung Hill recreation trails, Boolaroo’.

“The acquisition of easements is considered essential to developing / constructing an integrated trail network across Munibung Hill, particularly in the southern areas,” Steven said.

IT’S TO BE NOTED THAT the multiple owners of the trails’ locations as outlined in the Munibung Hill Management plan, demonstrate the complexity of the project.  Check this link Munibung Hill Management Plan – Lake Macquarie City Council . Page 10 Figure 1.2, has a good image of this. See below …



MMM … Issue 40, October – November 2023