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Good news – Biddabah Creek is to be preserved as an open-air waterway

The future subdivisions to the North of Windross Drive Warners Bay / Lakelands have been a concern for MHCS for some time. The work being done by the Biddabah Creek Landcare group in their efforts to control invasive plant species has highlighted the need to ensure management of any future development is handled with care.  The following response from Lake Mac Council to our inquiries, has clarified the situation and indicates that the creek and riparian zone have been factored into development approvals and conditions of consent.  The text of the letter, along with two associated images from Council, follows …

Within the area referenced there are a number of current applications for residential subdivisions that have either been approved or are still under assessment. Of main concern to your enquiry is the development at 76 Fairfax Road Warners Bay (development application reference: DA/1884/2020). This application has provided approval for 32 residential lots and 3 drainage reserves covering both 76 Fairfax Road Warners Bay and 25 Olsen Crescent Warners Bay, and formalises the watercourse traversing the site.

The site in question was rezoned on the 7 May 2010 to provide medium density and high density residential zoning in the area while protecting the watercourse in question by providing an approximately 30m wide Environmental Conservation Corridor as shown in the plan (right).

The approved subdivision design has reflected this with all of the land within the conservation corridor to be dedicated to Council as drainage reserve or road reserve with the approved plans indicating the creek remaining as an open watercourse with the exception of the road crossing.

A similar approach was undertaken with the developments to the north and south of the area in question as shown in the aerial images (above) comparing 2010 to current.

Within the drainage reserves, two Bio-filtration Basins are to be constructed which will negate the impact of the development on the downstream watercourse. These basins will provide water quality treatment to remove suspended solids, phosphorus and nitrogen, and will detain flows to match pre-development outflows from the site.

Prior to the developer commencing the above works a controlled activity approval issued by the Natural Resource Access Regulator (NRAR) will be required to ensure the proposed construction complies with the relevant legislation. Beyond construction of the subdivision, Council will own the land surrounding the watercourse and future dwellings should have no impact on the riparian zone.

With regard to your (MHCS) concerns relating to invasive species, the application has been conditioned accordingly to require a site specific vegetation management plan prior to the commencement of any works. The contents of this report will be assessed by Council’s Flora and Fauna Officer to ensure a suitable outcome for the area is achieved. This condition of consent also requires a minimum 5 year implementation period followed by a 5 year maintenance period for which Council will hold a bankers guarantee or bond for enforcement.

Should you seek additional information on the above topic please visit Council’s Application Enquiry Tool ( and search the abovementioned reference (DA/1884/2020) to view all documents relating to this application including assessment reports, the determination and stamped approved plans.