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A touch of Munibung Hill

PICTURE: Cliff face at former gravel quarry where the track crosses between Quarry Road and Farm Street, Speers Point.

Words: Carey Buls

Having listened to the enthusiasm of my old friends (Stuart and Heather) talking about the special place called Munibung Hill for some time, I was pleased to finally have a chance to visit them and take a look.  We set out from the end of Farm Street to climb the track towards the top to enjoy the view but the hill was a bit beyond my fitness level.  Instead, we explored another interesting area that meandered across a rocky creek bed, along a track shaded by a variety of trees, ferns and a selection of  fungi, to Quarry Road  It was in the shadow of the massive rock face that forms the south western edge of Munibung. There are several tracks for walkers to enjoy around this precious area and it’s great to see the Munibung Hill Conservation Society working to promote and protect this special place.

(First appeared in MMM, Issue # 13, October 2020)