You are currently viewing The Forest Wars, Eat – Poop – Die, Birds with personality and other good reads

The Forest Wars, Eat – Poop – Die, Birds with personality and other good reads

The Forest Wars. Since colonisation, we have been frantically logging our native forests as if our lives depended on it. Our lives do indeed depend on the forests-but on keeping them, not destroying them.


Eat, Poop, Die. If forests are the lungs of the planet, then animals —eating, pooping, and dying along the way—are its heart and arteries, pumping nitrogen and phosphorus from deep-sea gorges up to mountain peaks. Without this conveyor belt of crucial, life-sustaining nutrients, the world would look very different. 


The dogma at my homework. Science is a wonderfully creative human method for discovering the truth in a world dominated by the destructive influences of dogma. But dogma under the control of the powerful tries to corrupt science and replace it with nonsense.


Birds with Personality is a fun book of some of the most charismatic bird species on the planet. This book will introduce you to 50 species, with information on each bird’s size, diet, migration patterns, behaviours and conservation concerns, plus distribution maps. The featured birds vary from the tiny zunzuncito hummingbird who weighs only two grams, to the enormous wandering albatross, who can circumnavigate the Southern Ocean three times in a single year.


Recreating the Country – a  design system to restore wild Australia

A resilient and biodiverse ‘wild Australia’ is fundamental to our health and well-being as humans living on this remarkable southern continent.

The long term sustainability of our society is linked to three critical supporting principles, sometimes called ‘the triple bottom line’; Healthy ecology, Social harmony, and Economic security.  

This website explores ways to keep nature’s ecology healthy and thriving for future generations.


Why walk? Why not?

We all have a belief of one kind or another, so this book has relevance across a range of worldviews. 

Walks for Mind and Spirit stands out for its walks with a wonderfully eclectic range of themes from Buddhist retreats to pagan monuments to Christian pilgrimages to intellectual movements to literary and artistic hotspots. The approach is truly contemporary and ideal for anyone interested in spirituality and thought – Christianity, philosophy, history and culture. Whether or not it is in Britain, where this book is set, or at Munibung Hill, or other landscape setting, the same principles apply …

   … From MMM Issue #46 Oct-Nov, 2024