PICTURE: From left: Liam Phelan, Dean Wormald, Ted Stein, Jael Bryden, Maddy, Fergus Hancock, Vina Chubb, Shaun McLeod, Craig Evans In attendance via web link: Matt Hayward, Margaret Platell, Alex Callen. Behind the camera: Stuart Carter.
Munibung Hill, a magnificent study site for University research projects
Students and staff involved in two University of Newcastle (UoN) research projects conducted as part of the Summer Scholarship Research Program, reported their findings to a final review meeting on 19 May 2022.
Water On and From the Hill
Dean Wormald.
The research project established baseline measurements of the water quality at five sites, with this data to then hypothesise what these indicate about upstream activities.
Munibung Bandicoots: Investigating the presence and population of bandicoots within a suburban habitat island.
Ted Stein.
A research project to find not only evidence of bandicoot presence through diggings and nest sites, but also capture images of them moving through the bush.
MMM … Issue 30, June 2022