In a media release posted on Lake Mac’s website: Draft plan sets out future for Lake Mac’s best-kept secret (9 November, 2021), Manager Community Assets Brendan Callander said the draft plan and accompanying draft Concept Plan focused on protecting Munibung Hill’s natural and cultural values while making it more accessible to the community.
New track heads would be established in Macquarie Hills and Speers Point to access the landmark Munibung Hill precinct and capitalise on the area’s spectacular 360-degree views under a draft management plan.
The draft Munibung Hill Management Plan provides a framework and actions for Lake Macquarie City Council to maintain and enhance the precinct over the next 10 years.
“This is about finding the balance between protecting, managing and restoring areas of high value and ensuring people can access the site freely and safely,” he said.
“Anyone who has made the climb to the top would agree this is one of the Hunter Region’s best-kept secrets. The views of the lake, the Watagans and across the city’s suburbs are incredible.”
The draft management plan covers about 130ha of land adjoining Macquarie Hills, Boolaroo, Speers Point, Warners Bay and Lakelands.
It proposes new track heads off Blaxland Road in Macquarie Hills, and off Quarry Road in Speers Point.
Mr Callander said each site allowed for off-road parking and facilities like picnic tables, signage and toilets.
“We’re planning to upgrade the tracks to and along the main north-south ridge crest from these trail heads,” he said.
“They’ll be designed to provide safe access for walkers and other passive recreation.”
The management plan sets out 15 key objectives to be achieved over the next 10 years, including:
- Making walking tracks safe and stable
- Protecting Aboriginal cultural values and ecological communities
- Restricting vehicle access to essential services and emergency vehicles
- Ensure activities provide public benefits, not private benefits
- Increasing the number of people visiting the area
“We’ve undertaken community consultation to develop this draft plan, but we’re really keen to get some further feedback now it’s on exhibition,” Mr Callander said.
The draft Munibung Hill Management Plan and separate draft Concept Plan will be on public exhibition until 20 December.
An in-person information session will be held at Council’s Speers Point administration building 5.30-6.30pm on Wednesday 24 November, with an online session scheduled for 1-2pm Tuesday 30 November.
Registrations for both sessions are essential, and attendees at the in-person event must have proof of double COVID vaccination.
Go to for more information. And Facebook link with video here: Draft Management Plan