Our current economic model does not line up with our social model as a way of expressing how the natural world works. It seems there is a big disconnect between how nature works, including us and how we have constructed an industrial way of living. It’s as if industry is separate and apart from who we are. It is of course, an expression of who we are, or at least who we think we are.
Nature is circular, but for reasons best known to ourselves, we have devised, put into place and approved of a linear model for our industrial society.
When we meander, wander, traipse, jog across and around Munibung Hill we are visiting nature’s circular ways of living; all within an organic, recyclable-into-itself ‘economy’, where the by-products of one lifeform become the foodstuff of another life form.
Millions of years in the making, this has been how every creature lived, including humans. That is until the industrial revolution when we decided to enact a different model that has been unravelling ever since. We are living in a biologically depleted world of our own making, and being out of sync with mother nature, she is beginning to come back to bite us big time.
Munibung Hill is a model for living in harmony with nature that we could do well to mimic in many ways. The shift to a circular way of living has begun. The links later in the newsletter provide some examples of how mimicking nature is our best hope for ensuring a quality of life for our children and beyond. The story at this link and the illustration below, highlights the extent of our footprint.
“It takes an emotional toll on scientists because we are so passionate about these systems”
— Professor Euan Ritchie
(From MMM Issue # 17, Marach 2021)