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Time to make time for the things that matter

Time from the perspective of the current 24/7 news cycle, where every minute of every hour sees an update in what is considered current news, can for many of us appear to be fleeting and to be constantly overtaken by the next breaking news item.

These current breaking news events for millenia were nothing more than the normal run-of-the-mill happenings of everyday people going about their everyday business-as-usual.  But not anymore.  Every one has be seen as an event worthy of the look-at-me kind and brought to our attention by way of social media feeds on one of the many internet platforms vying for space and more likes as per numerous emojis that can be quickly used to indicate that a connection has been made between sender and reciever.

All of this busyness eats into the time we have availabe to do the necessary acts of day to day living.  It can rapidly erode the hours and minutes to such an extent that there is little time left for what really needs to be done.  It can for some people end up hijacking what in the past would have been a slower and more considered way of life.

It needs to be said that this issue has been around for a long time, but the advent of social media has necessitated that we become more conscious of how it is impacting on our quality of life and especially our mental well-being.

As a means of helping us bring this into focus, here are some contributions:

Timefulness: A Geologist’s Story—Interview with Marcia Bjornerud, by Marcia Bjornerud, Anja Katina Claus (April 10, 2020 in Humans Nature

Everywhen: Australia and the language of deep history, by Ann McGrath, Laura Rademaker, and Jakelin Troy (Royal Historical Society, Victoria)

‘Dates add nothing to our culture’: Everywhen explores Indigenous deep history, challenging linear, colonial narratives, by Professor in Public History, University of Technology Sydney (March 9, 2023 – The Conversation)