Still sold in nurseries. Can you believe it?
There is restricted access to some drugs for good reason. Over the counter access would not be in the best interests of some people.
THE SAME THING should apply in the case of lantana, it should not be sold as an over the counter species; sold willy nilly to people who have no idea of the consequences should it escape their premises, as if it does no harm. It does and from our perspective it should be banned altogether.
Landcare groups working at Munibung Hill are
well aware of the vigorous habit of lantana.
How it can and does outcompete and take over.
Sophie Coghill, a Yahoo News Reporter, posted this story on November 22, 2024: Desperate plea over invasive plant threatening ‘beauty’ of Australia. Sophie writes:
There are calls for stricter regulations as many Aussies are able to buy and plant it without knowing the implications.
An invasive plant once introduced to Australia to decorate backyards now poses significant risk to the “beauty” of many national parks, [Editor: read Munibung Hill ] with authorities dedicating time every month to rooting out the “fast spreading” weeds by hand. However, nurseries and garden centres across the country still sell the plant to Aussies and authorities are desperately pleading for stricter regulations.
The most recent preservation work happened in Cattai National Park this week in NSW, with authorities and volunteers from Friends of Mitchell Park getting on their hands and knees to remove lantana — a plant that “completely outcompetes” native plants and has a knock-on effect on wildlife.
Waiting on parliamentary inquiry findings
Just when we thought we were done with stories about domestic cats, this one lands on our desk / in our in-tray – in modern parlance, Inbox.
IT WAS LATE last year that we made a submission to the NSW Legislative Council inquiry into the Management of Cat Populations in NSW and how best to manage them. The Committee is yet to release an interim report. We’ll keep readers posted. Until then remain alert. It’s no reason to slacken off in our advocacy for cat containment, knowing that the damage is not going away anytime soon, unless decisive action is taken.
What makes cats such relentless killers, asks Scott Travers in: One Of The World’s Most Invasive Species Is Also Your Most Cherished Pet, Forbes, Contributor, November 30, 2024.
When we think of the reasons why animal species go extinct, it’s usually invasive species like rats or snakes that come to mind. And climate change is never out of the picture.
In reality, though, one surprising animal stands out on this list—your friendly neighbourhood domestic cat, writes Scott.
Cats might seem like sweet, harmless companions, but their impact on global ecosystems is anything but benign. Beneath their soft fur and playful demeanor hides one of nature’s most effective predators—stealthy, adaptable and relentless.
Full story at the highlighted headline link.
Iconic Aussie species faces ‘being lost forever’ over $18 billion invasive threat
A national action plan to tackle the spiralling problem of feral and domestic cats, has been agreed upon by state and territory governments. The Invasive Species Council said this is “an opportunity for national unity on one of the biggest drivers of extinction” in Australia — one which farmers and rural communities are “deeply passionate about”.
Calls for major rule change as ‘big threat’ roams free in Aussie state
ABC show reckons we should eat invasive species, it’s a recipe for disaster
Feral cat destroys 94 endangered black-fronted tern nests
Homeowner’s garden photo highlights ‘devastating’ Aussie problem
… From MMM Issue #48, Feb-March 2025