
Native Plants

Syncarpia glomulifera

Grey Gum
Eucalyptus punctata

Grey Iron Bark
Eucalyptus paniculata

White Mahogany
Eucalyptus acmenioides

Smooth-barked Apple
Angophora costata

Red Ash
Alphitonia excelsa

Forest She-oak
Allocasuarina torulosa

Black She-oak
Allocasuarina littoralis

Sweet Pittosporum
Pittosporum undulatum

Hickory Wattle
Acacia implexa

Spotted Gum
Corymbia maculata

Guioa semiglauca

Persoonia linearis

Hard Quandong
Elaeocarpus obovatus

Red Kamala
Mallotus philippensis

Bleeding Heart
Homolanthus populifolius

Hyacinth Orchid
Dipodium punctatum

Red-anther Wallaby Grass
Rytidosperma pallidum

Elderberry Panax
Polyscias sambucifolia

Kangaroo Grass
Themeda triandra

Native Tamarind
Diploglottis australia

Native Elderberry
Sambucus australasica

Native Raspberry
Rubus parvifolius

Water Vine
Cissus hypoglauca

Native Ginger
Alpinia caerulea

Jacksonia scoparia

Native Yam
Dioscorea transversa

Rough Saw Sedge
Gahnia aspera

Straight Wattle
Acacia stricta

Persoonia linearis

Scolopia braunii

Prickly-leaved Paperbark
Melaleuca nodosa

Hedgehog Grass
Echinopogon caespitosus

Woolly Pomaderris
Pomaderris lanigera

Onion Orchid
Microtis unifolia

Prickly Moses
Acacia ulicifolia

Narrow-leaved Palm Lily
Cordyline stricta

Pastel Flower
Pseuderanthemum variabile

Spade Flower
Hybanthus stellarioides

Wombat Berry
Eustrephus latifolius

Hairy Apple Berry
Billardiera scandens

Staff Vine
Celastrus australis

Blady Grass
Imperata cylindrica

Willow-leaved Hakea
Hakea salicifolia

Red-fruited Olive Plum
Cassine australis

Greenhood Orchid
Pterostylis sp

Native Indigo
Indigofera australis

Bottlebrush Grass Tree
Xanthorrhoea macronema

Sandpaper Fig
Ficus coronata

Native Geranium
Geranium sp

Native Frangipani
Hymenosporum flavum

Native Peach
Trema tomentosa

White Euodia
Melicope micrococca

Long-flowered Mistletoe
Dendrophthoe vittelina

Pearl Vine
Sarcopetalum harveyanum

Silk Pod
Parsonsia straminea

Syncarpia glomulifera

Scrambling Lily
Geitonoplesium cymosum

Indian Weed
Sigesbeckia orientalis

Climbing Guinea Flower
Hibbertia scandens

Blue Flax Lily
Dianella caerulea

Rough Holly
Podolobium ilicifolium

Gorse Bitter Pea
Daviesia ulicifolia

Dolly Bush
Cassinia aculeata

Forest She Oak
Allocasuarina torulosa

Cockspur Flower
Plectranthus parviflorus

Myrsine variabilis

Cabbage Tree Palm
Livistona australia

Tree Heath
Trochocarpa laurina

Guioa semiglauca

Hard Quandong
Elaeocarpus obovatus

Green Wattle
Acacia irrorata

Narrow-leaved Orange-bark
Denhamia silvestris

Dusky Coral Pea
Kennedya rubicunda

Trailing Guinea Flower
Hibbertia dentata

Rough-fruit Pittosporum
Pittosporum revolutum

Yellow Tea Tree
Leptospermum polygalifolium

Old Man’s Beard
Clematis glycinoides

Twining Glycine
Glycine clandestina

Basket Grass
Oplismenus aemulus

Creeping Beard Grass
Oplismenus imbecillus

Native Olive
Notelaea longifolia

Bursaria spinosa

Veiny Wilkiea
Wilkiea huegeliana

Lilly Pilly
Acmena smithii

False Sarsparilla
Hardenbergia violacea

Spiny Mat-rush
Lomandra longifolia

Sydney Golden Wattle
Acacia longifolia

Sickle-leaved Wattle
Acacia falcata

White Caladenia
Caladenia catenata

Wonga Wonga Vine
Pandorea pandorana

Rusty Fig
Ficus rubiginosa

Rusty Fig
Ficus rubiginosa

Black She-Oak
Allocasuarina littoralis

Hickory Wattle
Acacia implexa

Maiden’s Wattle
Acacia maidenii

Sweet Pittosporum
Pittosporum undulatum

Red Kamala
Mallotus philippensis

Slender Mat Rush
Lomandra sp

Barbed-wire Grass
Cymbopogon refractus

Native Cherry
Exocarpos cupressiformis

Hoary Guinea Flower
Hibbertia obtusifolia

Coffee Bush
Breynia oblongifolia

Hop Bush
Dodonaea triquetra

White Root
Lobelia purpurascens

Needle Bush
Hakea sericea

Native Wandering Jew
Commelina cyanea

Native Grape
Cayratia clematidea

Daisy Bush
Ozomanthus diosmifolius

Ground Berry
Acrotriche divaricata

Tick Trefoil
Desmodium rhytidophyllum

Slender Tick Trefoil
Desmodium varians

Cheese Tree
Glochidion ferdinandi

Ferns and Cycads

BirdsNest Fern
Asplenium australasicum

Necklace Fern
Asplenium flabellifolium

Bracken Fern
Pteridium esculentum

Sickle Fern
Pellaea sp

Macrozamia sp

Rough Maidenhair Fern
Adiantum hispidulum

Rock Fern
Cheilanthes sp

Rasp Fern
Doodia aspera

Macrozamia sp


Fungi are very tricky to identify.  To start the process the following names have been suggested but awaiting confirmation. 

  • Russula species;
  • Ramaria capitata, coral fungus species – Row 3e
  • Ghost Fungus (Omphalotus nidiformis – glows in the dark);
  • Hairy Crust bracket fungus;
  • Elegant Blue Webcap (Cortinarius rotundisporus);- Row 5b
  • Rooting Shank (Xerula radicata); and little
  • Suede Milk Cap (Lactifluus clarkeae) – Row 4c ?
  • Ruby Bonnett (Mycena viscidocruenta).- Row 5a
  • Red Woodchips Fungus (Leratiomyces ceres) – Row 5c ?

Verbena rigida

Hoary Mullein
Verbascum sp

Purple Top
Verbena bonariensis

Camphor Laurel
Cinnamonum camphora

Broad-leaved Privet
Ligustrum lucidum

Crofton Weed
Ageratina adenophora

Small-leaved Privet
Ligustrum sinense

Red Natal Grass
Melinis repens

Chilean Quaking Grass
Briza subaristata

Blowfly Grass
Briza maxima

White Eye
Richardia braziliensis

Spear Thistle
Cirsium vulgare

Giant Coolatai Grass
Hyparrhenia hirta

Pigeon Grass
Setaria sp

South African Pigeon Grass
Setaria sphacelata

Brazilian Nightshade
Solanum seaforthianum

Cotoneaster sp

Tall Fleabane
Conyza sumatrensis

Fishbone Fern
Nephrolepis cordifolia

Crassocephalum crepidioides

Paddy’s Lucerne
Sida rhombifolia

Formosan Lily
Lilium formosanum

Cobblers Peg
Bidens pilosa

Turkey Rhubarb
Acetosa sagittata

Pampas Grass
Cortaderia selloana

White Clover
Trifolium repens

Morning Glory
Ipomoea indica

Rubus fruticosus

Wild Tobacco
Solanum mauritianum

Moth Vine
Araujia sericifera

Paspalum dilatatum

Balloon Cotton Bush
Gomphocarpus physocarpus

Hen & Chicken
Phyllanthus tenellus

Blackberry Nightshade
Solanum nigrum

Black-eyed Susan
Thunbergia alata

Myrtle-leaf Milkwort
Polygala myrtifolia

Panic Veldt Grass
Ehrharta erecta

Mickey Mouse Bush
Ockna serrulata

Wild Passionfruit
Passiflora sp

Senna pendula

Fumaria officinalis

Madeira Vine
Anredera cordifolia

Asparagus Fern
Protoasparagus aethiopicus

Lantana camara

African Olive
Olea europaea spp africana

Native Fauna

Eastern Banjo Frog

More than 60 birds have been observed by a Munibung Hill Conservation Society member who has been visiting Munibung Hill for over 22 years.  How many of these birds still reside or visit Munibung Hill we are unsure of. The small selection of images here are not all of actual sitings but are included for identification purposes should you come across them while visiting the area.

Nankeen Kestrel
Swamp Harrier
Brown Goshawk
Eastern yellow robin
King parrot
Blue wren
Beautiful Firetail
Red Wattlebird
Welcome Swallow
White-plumed Honeyeater
Tawny Frogmouth
Little Wattlebird
Masked Owl
Powerful Owl
White-bellied Sea Eagle
Juvenile Black Cockatoos, Image courtesy Derek Philipson 17.10.18

Invertebrates are animals without a backbone. Of the planet’s estimated 15-30 million animal species, 90% or more are invertebrates. Invertebrates live just about anywhere.  There is a good chance that you have seen an invertebrate recently. Do you recall batting away a fly, unearthing a worm, or admiring a spider as it waited to catch food in its web. Well guess what? All of these animals and many more are collectively known as invertebrates – animals that lack a backbone. 

Invertebrates are everywhere.  There are so many invertebrates on this planet that it is impossible to count them all. They come in many shapes and sizes, live practically anywhere and provide many services that are vital for our survival.  Invertebrates are all around us and yet amazingly most go about their daily business unnoticed. Much of this has to do with the size of invertebrates. On land, invertebrates range from fractions of a millimetre to approximately 150 centimetres in length, though most are less than five centimetres.

Invertebrate groups.  Terrestrial (land) invertebrates include the following groups, many of which also have members that live in freshwater or marine environments: Insects, Spiders, Centipedes, Millipedes, Worms, Velvet worms, Slaters, Landhoppers

Other invertebrates include land-dwelling members such as: Snails and slugs.


Note:   Insects have three body regions (head, thorax and abdomen), three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae.  One gift most insects have that other arthropods lack is the ability to fly.




Red-Eye Cicada

Southern Brown Bandicoot

Ring-tailed Possum
Brushtail Possum
Goanna/Lace Monitor


Bearded dragon

Blue-tongued skink commonly called Blue-tongued lizard

Common Green Tree Snake Dendrelaphis punctulatus spotted on Munibung Hill 17.10.18 at 8.30am.  This species has a yellow belly, is non-venomous and is common in eastern Australia. Image by Eric Vanderbuys, in What Snake is that? Hunter & Central Coast NSW

Long-necked tortoise

Diamond Python
Water Dragon
Red-bellied Black Snake
Green Tree Snake Image courtesy Derek Philipson 17.10.18

Non native invaders

Introduced animals be they domestic or wild are of great concern to the Munibung Hill Conservation Society.  These are very distressing pictures.

Cats and foxes are both introduced species of the hunting variety that prey on native wildlife. It is extremely important to keep cats indoors at night. And the dumping of unwarranted pets in the bush is a crime against nature in our view.
(Images are generic for illustration purposes only, sourced from ABC News and Conservation Volunteers Australia)



Newcastle Astronomical Society member at the ABCtv Stargazing Live event at Speers Point park 23 May 2018

Community Art

Valuing our City’s Trees – a workshop held at Woodrising Neighbourhood Centre, 10th August 2019.  Image 3rd at right is Robyn Charlton, team leader and supplier of resources and inspiration.

Views from Munibung Hill

Views from Ocean View Lookout located at the northern end of the Songline Heritage Walk.

Pictures by Ken Linsley.
Nikon D500 80-200mm lens