Hillsborough Road upgrade report out for comment
THE concept design and environmental assessment for the Hillsborough Road upgrade is now on public display. The community is invited to comment on the proposal by 5pm on Monday 12 December. The project update appears to make no mention of a vegetated wildlife overpass for connectivity between the adjoining bushland areas.
For more information and to make a submission please visit our interactive portal at nswroads.work/hillsboroughroad.
Any questions please contact the Project Development Manager, Andrew Thompson on 1800 161 210 or email hillsboroughroad@transport.nsw.gov.au
The Munibung Hill Conservation Society called on Transport for NSW last year to consider providing a means for wildlife to access both sides of the road by way of a vegetated wildlife overpass. Our position has not changed. We urge you to join our campaign for an overpass to be integral to the Hillsborough Road upgrade. Please emphasis this in your feedback comments.
MMM … Issue 35, December 22 – January 2023