What we do

Urban Night Sky Project

We are promoting a five step A list framework ... with visual aids

A is  for Awareness 
Understanding the problem, is the first thing to do. The causes and effects – the issues. To accept that there’s a certain urgency, to stop things getting worse. To be aware that there is some basic science, but it’s not rocket science. It’s most important to get over any inertia or blase dismissal of the issues; to not adopt an attitude of if we don’t know SAY NO.  Let’s be more proactive, if we don’t know, HOW SO?  FIND OUT. Be curious: ask why this is worth DOING something about. Then be a force for good, because there’s something wonderful to advocate about.

A is for Advocacy 
There’s a good news story to be told once our awareness has been tweaked. Let’s talk about the benefits. How easy they are to action. Our creative response is all that’s needed – even when up against an entrenched mindset. Creating a captivating story that resonates with people, morphs into being active.

A is for Action
From simply chatting over the dinner table, to posting a brochure on the tea room notice board, to writing a story for an organisation newsletter, the methods for engagement are open ended. Short attention grabs might be the go. Taking it to the streets with a pop-up stand. Posts on social media. We can do this!

A is for Association
Actions taken in unison with others, builds confidence to speak up and to become a defender of the night sky. Family, friends, colleagues … we can work together, to build networks and momentum.  To be part of a thinking globally while acting locally process is a proven method for getting results.

A is for Affiliation
Standing shoulder to shoulder with organisations and industry groups already across what’s required to preference best practice lighting principles, means we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. We can direct our time and effort into doing what works and produces positive results.

Once considered a pretty picture, we now know it is anyting but. It's a shocking indicator of how bad ALAN (atrificial light at night) has become. Credit: Canberra Daily
“Captivated -Thousands of moths swarm around floodlights at the Newcastle United Jets home game at EnergyAustralia Stadium (today McDonald Jones Stadium) in Newcaste, Australia, on Oct 1, 2005." Credit: Sky and Telescope
Reclaim the night using the right light
Love the night sky back into life. Rediscovr the Milky Way
How to win against light pollution. Credit: Astronomy Magazine - more photos, search How to win ...

We are taking readings of the night sky

Light that's just right

Too much glare blinds us to the threat in the gateway.
The are many ways to explain what light pollution is and what we can do to counteract it. An illustrated guide makes it much easier to get the message across. Share this on social media. Print and post it on the tea room notice board. Make it a talking point with family and friends.

Befriend the night sky

Images credit: Dark Sky International

CERTIFY your home, business or workplace as DARK SKY SENSITIVE 
with the Australasian Dark Sky Alliance (ADSA) and Dark Sky International (DSI).

It’s free and fun to do!

Lumens and Kelvins - know the language of light