
Urban Night Sky Project

We're on a mission

that has been commandeered by poorly directed artificial lighting technology.

Rather than watch this unfold from the sidelines, we’ve joined the international effort to give it back to our children. In short, to preserve and protect the night-time environment from getting worse.

Starry night skies are an inseparable component of the natural world, of which we are a part. Artificial light pollution is now overflowing into every last skerrick of darkness, encroaching into wildlife habitat and having negative effects on human health.

There’s no need for this to be the case, but if light pollution is allowed to continue at the current rate – doubling every ten years – our children will be forever deprived of what their grandparents took for granted: starry night skies.

We can’t stand by and let this happen without at least raising the alarm and having a jolly good go at turning the tide in favor of dark skies.


What We Do
The Issues,
The Solutions

This website is
our gateway to
Night Sky Conservation

and to making the stars
visible once more.