Gallery - what's up in the night sky

Urban Night Sky Project

Astrophotography pictures captured at Munibung Hill

Eta Carinae complex
Great Orion Nebula Measer 42 (M42)
Open Cluster NGC2420
Sombrero Galaxy M104
Jupiter 2021
Neptune 2024
Saturn 2021
Saturn 2023 showing 5 moons
Antares and M4 Globular cluster
Mars 2025

EDDIE BERNARD posted to the BINTEL* Society his portrait of Mars taken at the start of January using a Celestron C11 telescope and a ZWO ASI585MC planetary camera. It was picked up and featured on the front page of the BINTEL* Newsletter 1st February 2025.

The photo (left) captured a rare aspect of Mars, the snowy ice poles.

Mars and Jupiter are shining brightly above our heads tonight (Jan.3.2025) and are wonderful viewing in telescopes of all sizes.
*The BINTEL Society has a membership of 2,000 astronomy and nature followers.

More at Eddie’s full post here.

“Here is a picture of Mars taken on 3/1/2025 with a ZWO1585MC planetary camera bought through Bintel. Using a C11 at F20 it is processed with Autostakkert, Regirstax and pixinsight.” Eddie B.

The BINTEL Society is run by Australia’s oldest and largest specialist telescope store – The Binocular and Telescope Shop in Sydney, Australia.
Facebook page comments …
Brenton Shadbolt 

Great pic! Love the icy poles. 
Justin Gould 
Never get over just what you can do in your backyard. Isaac Newton would fall off his chair if he could have seen photos like this. 
Harry Stulajter 
Wow, amazing details visible.

All images are from a location in the upper reaches of the Owl Creek catchment on the north side of Munibung Hill.  Images credit: Eddie Bernard